Past Times Arcade League
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PTA Results and Statistics

  • 3 leagues
  • 11 seasons
  • 80 players
  • 325 machines
  • 77 meets
  • 270 groups
  • 3,772 scores


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PTPL Open Division IFPA Co-Ed Competitive

Results and Stats

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Machine Stats - Player Stats - Outscored % - ALL Stats

PTPL Women's Division

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Machine Stats - Player Stats - Outscored % - ALL Stats

PTPL Div. B: Co-Ed Non-Competitive

Results and Stats

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Machine Stats - Player Stats - Outscored % - ALL Stats


Badge Leaders

Mark Lawrence33
Deborah Baldwin30
Kincaid Wilson29
Jordan Fulton28
Emily Felvus28
...complete list...

Uncommon Badges

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En Fuego En Fuego

10 people have this.

2 people have this.
Copycat Copycat

2 people have this.

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League Manager Produced By
Free State Pinball Association
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